How to Organize Your Market Research Data?

The company is flooded with lots of reports and findings aftermarket research so, it is important to know how the data is organized even before you start collecting it. This will help you make sure that you are using the right methodology to collect the data as per the needs of your company. The report after the market research should be helpful to you to come up with new products, market existing product or communicating with the prospective customers. Here are a few tips to help down:

How is the data used?

The way you use the data is key in order to know how to organize it. Ex: if you are conducting market research to offer a brand new solution to the audience, then you have to organize data for internal use. 

Which type of data?

They are many types of data that will be collected as per market research, few will work great in a spreadsheet and few in pie chart whereas few can work best as writing within reports so, you should determine the type of data you collect and how you will organize it for easy accesses.

What are you trying to know?

The information you wanted to determine from the research is the most critical aspect here. If you want to know impacts on the revenue with the collected information, you have to study issues like CTR, traffic, sales conversions and many more. Know what your expectations and move on.

What influences your goals?

The tasks we do have an impact on what we want to change in the company. Ex: If you intend to see high sale conversions but you are not interested in hiring an experienced professional that help you reach the goal, the chances of your success are less.

Logical Naming Convention for data files

The most irritating part of organizing the data is making it findable when you need it or want to use it. The logical naming convention will make your job easy here. You can easily find the file on the computer when you search for it. Be it on the Google Drive or Dropbox, you will find easy to trace it. The process of naming convection includes using keywords, results of the data and discovery information.

Trash out 

After collecting all the data through market research, you need to differentiate between useful/ useless data so that you can easily quantify and make good decisions. Trash out the useless data to save space on your computers.

Mix up

You might have collected the data using different methods, demonstrate it in a way that you and other people in your organization will understand it. Write it in a report and show it pictorially through graphs and charts.

Table of contents to be included 

Make sure you include a table of content in the large report. It makes easier for you to search the information within the document. If possible include keywords to make search further easy.

Organizing the collected data is a vital part of conducting market research. If you are not able to understand or interpret the collected data, the market research entirely goes in vain. Organizing the data will help you understand data and make the best use of your hard work invested

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